How to Avoid Project Miscommunication

Miscommunication is something I hate with a passion. One analogy I like to use is that you are talking to someone about a clementine, they think you are talking about an orange, but in reality what the two of you need to create is a grapefruit. Replace fruits with building a website, and you may find yourself in a familiar situation of project miscommunication. Here are a few tips we hope you may find helpful in avoiding project miscommunication.

Invest the time in making a picture: The first tip would be to invest the time in making a really good wireframe and or mockup. A good wireframe does wonders because it ensures that everyone can be on the same page as to what to expect. Like the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, wireframes will always show more about the project then any written document would. By using tools like Adobe XD or InVision you can even go so far as to show how things are supposed to interact. This a crucial because it allows developers to think about how such interactions will work with your technology, allows UX to better tweak and test experiences, and provide a launchpad for the team to identify and communicate possible issues. So before jumping in, to develop the next greatest thing, I can’t stress the importance of investing the time to create a sound wireframe, doing so will no doubt save you time and money down the road.

Priorities Deliverables: The first rule everyone must start to accept is that nothing will ever be perfect. Regardless of the project, there will always be issues, items, that no one thought or could have predicted. With that assumption, the next tip would be to prioritize deliveries at the design phase. The benefit of this approach is that when push comes to shove everyone knows the must-haves and the nice-to-haves. Additionally, it allows you to better organize the project into more manageable tasks, ensuring that you will be able to deliver a more sound and solid product

Keep the asks simple: Finally, would be to keep things simple. Regardless of how big the project may be, it’s critical that everything is broken down into its most simple form. This goes from technical requirements to even design, by keeping things simple and concise will ensure that every deliverable is met without confusion and limited miscommunication.

Wrapping it up: In the end, while project miscommunication is inevitable, there are ways to better mitigate them. So, if you find yourself in such a situation try implementing some of these tips and hopefully they help you and your team out.

Need help crafting a design or digital project? Let’s connect and we will be happy to help you and your team out.

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Misha Vinokur